Communication EmPowers
Bishop T. D. Jakes, new book “Don’t Drop the Mic” is engaging, informative, exciting, and spiritual. Bishop Jakes gives the foundation for being a great communicator. As a communication major, the insights shared by him brought me to a new level of understanding in the art of communication.
The elements of speaking for oneself empower us to be all that God created us to be. Bishop in “Don’t Drop the Mic,” advises us that communicating our story helps to build relationships that may lead to other opportunities.
Don’t Drop the Mic is a book that shares stories and scripture together to broaden the reader’s knowledge and confidence, in themselves. The valuable information within its pages will enhance the lives of others. Bishop Jakes helps to guide the reader in understanding who they are and finding their place and voice in the scheme of life.
Inspiration and challenges give all who aspire to be a preacher, teacher, motivational speaker, and leader the impetus to deliver their message. In the delivery, God is the one who makes the delivery possible and should be in the midst of what is being said at all times.
Bishop Jakes is a masterful storyteller and does so that anyone listening can identify with the story. He does this so that everyone regardless of age, race, and gender, can feel a part of the scenario. Next, Bishop Jakes discusses the process.
There is also guidance on using a process to deliver the information. The process is not linear and takes many turns. This is done to bring the listener into the conversation as described by Dr. Thomas.
Dr. Frank Thomas analyzes a sermon by Bishop Jakes. He uses the metaphor of a recipe making it easy to comprehend. He breaks it down by touching on all the aspects of what is delivered, what is heard, and the effects on the listener.
I enjoyed this book immensely. I recommend it to everyone who wants to become a better speaker or great communicator.
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