“Waking up at 5:30 AM for work as a woman over 50 is like participating in an extreme sport called ‘Morning Olympics.’ And trying to put on makeup at that hour? Well, let’s just say it’s less ‘beauty routine’ #makeup and more ‘survival of the fittest in the battle against tired eyes and gravity.'”
It was a typical morning or so I thought until I reached for my brand-new concealer. Little did I know this journey was about to take an unexpected turn. As I eagerly tore into the packaging, my excitement turned to bewilderment. There it was, mocking me like a tine fortress – a plastic seal tightly wrapped around the concealer’s cap with a stubborn little tag daring me to pull.
Undeterred I grabbed a pair of tweezers, thinking I could outsmart the plastic seal. But, alas, the tag remained steadfast, refusing to budge no matter how much I tugged and pulled. It was like trying to wrestle a stubborn jar of pickles, except this time the pickle was winning.
With frustration mounting and the clock ticking closer to the dreaded 5:30 AM mark, I switched tactics and reached for a pair of scissors. Surely, a swift snip would liberate me from this plastic prison. But as I attempted to slip the tip of the scissors under the seal, it became apparent that this battle was far from over.
At that moment, faced with the prospect of either spending the next hour trying to break free or risking a trip to the emergency room with a scissor-induced injury, I made the executive decision to surrender. After all, even the most flawless makeup look wasn’t worth sacrificing a finger over.
Defeated but undeterred, I trudged through my workday, the elusive concealer mocking me from its perch on the bathroom counter. But as soon as the clock struck closing time, I was on a mission.
Back at the store, I exchanged the impenetrable concealer for one with a more cooperative cap. As I explained my morning ordeal to the young clerk, she couldn’t help but burst into laughter at the absurdity of it all.
“Oh, the joys of aging,” I sighed shaking my head. “Who knew I’d need a toolbox just to put on makeup in the morning?”
We shared a chuckle, and as I left the store, I couldn’t help but think that while aging may come with its challenges, it also comes with plenty of opportunities for laughter. What is needed is time-saving makeup routines for morning madness.